Saturday 7 May 2016

offseason open chatter - May 7

Supposedly open and IM will get merged if there aren't enough open teams signed up (not paid though) by tomorrow.

Bote 6v6, with bo4r, spades_slick, vipa, brick, rightjustify, and rogue, has potential to be a high open team if brick can manage to transfer his highlander experience over to 6s.  The other HL stars on the roster have already proven themselves adept at both game types.  One worry would be whether they will scrim enough, or whether open will be an afterthought to their next highlander season.

Oi Vey, featuring 1/3 of s21 Perverted Rangers, could do ok depending on who their 6th player ends up being.  Perverted Rangers had good DM but suffered at times from being disorganized and losing advantages.

Blue Elephant is back after skipping s21, with the roster so far including team staples lights/lumieres (who also played for team name tbd last season), rage, and K-Man.  If they pick up good scouts and demo they will go far.

mon and the go loids is a new team so far including viperr, fight, pr and apt.  update: pr says he's NOT playing for them and apt is now rostered with Bring Back The Funk (along with clopez, mattyue, and unicorn_wizard, looks about mid open).  Team likely already dead in less than a day.
(also it's funny to see aiera say "viper and fight have never really impressed me" when he is an equally bad low open player)

420 BASS KNOBS seems to be counter-strike players, no idea what to expect from them... probably not much though

Chibi Boutique ESPORTS has Marty from Arstotzka and Trapster from High Impact Love Crime, but mostly new players and likely won't make playoffs

A few more new low open teams popping up, not worth discussing much.  That's all for now

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